Michael Flatley

In late 2006, dancer and choreographer Michael Flatley was struck with a severe unknown virus.  It left his body exhausted and weak resulting in what is termed post-viral fatigue syndrome.  Where once Michael had been gracing the world stage with boundless energy, he now had symptoms ranging from severe lethargy to muscular pain and an inability to focus.

“I was tired, I had no energy, I couldn’t work and I had to cancel a tour”, Michael recalls.  “I was beginning to think I would never be back to full health, and then I met Michael O ‘Doherty and things began to change for the better.

After spending almost a year trying to regain his health, Michael was introduced to Michael O ‘Doherty.   Following the initial meeting where he learned about Michael’s illness, Michael O ‘Doherty commenced a series of treatments.  Remarkable, after the first session, the effects became apparent immediately.  Michael took his first long walk in over a year and his mind became clear.  Here he recalls his own treatment process and offers advice to those who may be suffering in some way and looking for an answer.

“Following my first meeting with Michael I immediately felt better.  After an hour of energy-healing treatment.  I felt revived and was able to go for a long walk – something I had been unable to do for months.  My energy had shifted and was now beginning to flow again.  In the long term, it had made a huge improvement to my overall well-being.  No matter what your problems are, they can be cured if your energy is cleared and moving again.

“It is clear that Michael O ‘Doherty is extremely well versed in energy therapy and health-care and had done extensive research in the field.  The results of his treatments on thousands of clients are proof that his methods can help almost any illness and vastly improve the quality of people’s lives.  When you are positive, great things will happen and Michael O ‘Doherty is one of the most positive and hard working people I’ve met”.

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